
I'm just a WYSIWYG kind of guy … who wears his heart on his sleeve.

This blog is, for me, a chance to put my mark on the etherealIMG_0724.JPG thing called cyberspace,Patrick John Pinder the world wide web or ‘tinternet…call it what you will. It’s my chance to reach out from the ‘Steel City’ and touch the lives of, potentially, millions of people. Or at least a few hundred fellow bloggers and readers.
The number of readers I gain and, more importantly, keep will depend on the content of my pages so, I have attempted to write a brief memoir of my working life as a DETACHED YOUTH this point still a work in progress,  and I try to entertain you in the DIARY OF A STEEL CITY MAN, which is a serious/humorous look at my mundane life in bite-sized chunks…..

The blog may evolve over time..different themes, added or deleted pages and categories …I will do my best to entertain you or make you angry enough to make a comment/reply, so stick around, you never know what’s going to happen in the ‘Steel City’……

That’s me, at the top of the page, I was married to a wonderful woman, who is now sadly deceased after 50 years o, have two grown-up kids and three wonderful granddaughters, and now a grandson, who fill my life with light, love, and hope for the future…thank you for reading, if you have one, may your god go with you, if you don’t then I wish you well on your journey through this


35 thoughts on “ABOUT…

  1. It’s so good to hear from you again, Patrick. I look forward to reading through your new additions ( memoires and soap box) 🙂

    1. steelcityman says:

      Thank you mon ami…health scare well and truly over . Just re enrolled for Blogging 101, trying

      1. I missed you and I’m glad to hear you’re health scare is over. I send my best wishes and look forward to reading your posts 🙂

  2. kaitlynfranzone says:

    Very nice bio! I can not wait what you write!

  3. Betsy says:

    Where did you go, Patrick? I have enjoyed our banter. I am visiting my daughter in Nashville (Yes, the Music City Capital of the World!) and have fallen behind with the class. I am having a good time except that she keeps telling me that I would do fine driving through this God forsaken traffic and makes me feel terribly bad because I just refuse. Getting to her apartment just two miles from Downtown and getting out back toward Knoxville is ALL the driving I want to be doing here! Missing your writing and comments (even though there is really nothing to comment on!).

    1. steelcityman says:

      Hi Betsy…so nice that someone has missed my scribblings…thank you so much, I feel good about my blog now it is deemed ‘worthy’ by a follower of your calibre…the truth be known, it’s just a case of life getting in the way and needing sleep at the end of the day…’things’ prevent me from doing other ‘things’ and I have to prioritise how I react…I’ve fallen behind by nearly a week so I must make the effort and catch up…trouble is when I’m writing for writings sake, it does take some of the enjoyment out of doing the blog…however, let’s crack on and get it done…Glasd to hear you’re having a good time in Music City with your daughter…if you’re still there, give her my fondest regards from the ‘Steel City’…catch you later, Blogging to do. xxxxxx

  4. sacha says:

    I love your intro love it.

  5. Charlotte Latvala says:

    Trying to play catch-up with Blogging101, and your blog name caught my eye. A glance told me “Aha, different Steel City!” (I live in Pittsburgh, the Steel City on this side of the pond.) Anyway, interesting stuff! If you want to glance at my stuff, it’s and Good luck with the blogging!

    1. steelcityman says:

      Thanks for the comment Charlotte, glad you found something of interest I’ll certainly give your blogs a read first thing in the morning.. It’s almost 10 pm at the moment.. I’ll certainly visit the how to be 50 blog and see if anything can be adopted for the over 60’s … Lol

      1. Charlotte Latvala says:

        Of course!

  6. Darkwriter11 says:

    Wonderful page here steelcityman. I am in love with your layout. And your about page is quite lovely. 🙂 Glad to have found you (or have you find me, I guess.) Looking forward to reading your work!

    1. steelcityman says:

      Thank you so much Darkwriter11 for your comments 😀

      1. Darkwriter11 says:

        Pleasure was all mine.

  7. Dan Antion says:

    At first, I though “this must be someone from my hometown” That would be Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,a.k.a. Steel City, albeit a slightly different Steel City. Doesn’t matter, as soon as I saw the Picard look, I knew I was sticking around. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. steelcityman says:

      Thanks Dan, for the visit and the comment.. We are not a Steel City these days, cheap eastern imports have seen to that, but, we will always be known as the ‘Steel City’ as I’m sure Pittsburgh PA will be. Thanks again.

      1. Dan Antion says:

        Understood. Pittsburgh lost the battle to cheap labor, first in the southern states and then overseas. It was a working steel city when I was born, but on the wane by the time I graduated from college.

  8. Charlotte Latvala says:

    Hello again — just nominated you for a Liebster — please feel free to accept or ignore at your leisure! You probably know the drill, but the details are at this time -:) Take care, hope all is well — Charlotte

    1. steelcityman says:

      Charlotte… What can I say ?? Thank you so much for the nomination for the Liebster award, which I accept with gratitude and pride, I will do the business on Sunday (Saturday is taken up with Rugby and drinking and meeting old friends !!) All is indeed well with me thanks and your nomination is the kick up the backside my blog needs 😎

      1. Charlotte Latvala says:

        Then my work here is done -:) Happy Rugby/drinking/friend day!

  9. Thanks for visiting me. When I think of Steel City I think of Pittsburgh. I went to undergrad school in Scranton and Wilkes Barre. Love PA…

  10. Sending new year blessings to you and your family, Pat 🙂

    1. steelcityman says:

      Thank you so much Carol, that’s the nicest thing anyone has said to me all year …😄 in return I hope the coming year for you and your family is filled with health, happiness and your hearts desires. Not done much (any) blogging for months…you’ve inspired me again 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

      1. I miss your posts, Pat 🙂

        1. steelcityman says:

          It will be rectified on the morrow mon ami 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

  11. I just need to tell you how much I love your Vlog, Pat, and send my best wishes!

  12. steelcityman says:

    Thank you Carol, very much.

  13. Dear Pat, It’s been quite some time since I have seen your vlog. I do hope you are feeling better and send my love and best wishes to you and Christine. ❤

    1. steelcityman says:

      Hi Carol….feeling great thanks. I went for a routine check up and got kidnapped !!..they had me in bed and hooked up to monitors within an hour. Stayed in a week, during which time I had a pacemaker/defibrillator/synchronisation device fitted, so now, with a small bulge in my shoulder, I feel a million dollars with a new zest for life. Hope you are well and enjoying life xxxxxx

      1. Dear Pat, It is so good to hear from you! I think of you often and am grateful to know you are feeling better. I apologize for missing your new vlog and blog posts. Keeping up with teaching, snow, and face-to-face life while balancing deep sadness over the state of the world has made it hard for me to find time for blogging. I still write sometimes but it doesn’t feel worthy of posting. I did finish writing a play, though, that I hope will be performed someday. At my age, I am grateful for the health and ability to fix up my house and shovel snow, the chance to work with amazing students and to keep learning new things, and for time with friends and family. I send my best wishes to you and your family, dear friend, and so grateful to know you are doing well. 💜

        1. steelcityman says:

          Hi Carol…I didn’t realise at the time I was replying to a post of yours from about two tears ago !!! Silly me !! Anyway great to hear from you in the here and now. Thank you for your good wishes and it’s good to hear your health is good and you are still enjoying working with the students. I’m currently embarking on a creative writing course, in the folorn hope it will improve my blog and poetry writing … one can only hope !!! Well Carol, don’t work too hard (shoveling snow sounds really bad!!), look after yourself mon ami and take care… Love from Yorkshire. xxx

  14. Dear Pat, I hope you are doing well. I think of you often and send my best wishes to you and lovely Christine. 💜

    1. Well Hello, Carol A Hand .. how the devil are you? I’ve not had a lot of time to communicate with your good self, or indeed anyone really, blog-wise. I’ve been trying to look after my wife Christine, to the best of my ability as she has been seriously ill with heart problems. Unfortunately, she passed away in hospital on 2nd December. It was peaceful and she wasn’t in any pain, which was a blessing. I wasn’t with her for her passing but Our Son and Daughter were there to squeeze her hand as she went.
      I hope this post finds you in good health and with a peaceful mind. I still read a lot of your posts, in fact, I’m trawling through your archives … because you’re worth it … Thank you for your writing, you have been and still are, inspiring.

      1. It is always a gift to hear from you, Pat. I am so sorry to hear about Christine, but grateful to know she was surrounded by loving family.
        There’s not much exciting to report here right now. Work keeps me busy but the semester will be done on Saturday. I’ll have a wee rest before the next one begins, if it does begin for me. I’m never sure if the college will continue to offer classes for a decreasing number of students. These are hard times for people who work, have kids, and have to pay tuition or go into debt with loans that will someday come due. I try to make it worth it for them. 🙂

        Sending my best wishes to you and your family, dear friend. I miss your stories. I hope you will keep blogging. vlogging, and staying in touch. 💜

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